The Trenches Gym

About Me


We are a team who wanted to make personal training affordable while creating a unique and extraordinary experience for everyone. All of our trainers are coming from many different backgrounds that include sports nutrition, sports backgrounds, Kinesiology, and more. Our facility has plenty of space for a variation of different styles of training all while maintaining an environment where you can be comfortable.

We started this business because fitness is our passion. We pride ourselves on educating those who walk through our doors. Our goal is to teach and guide all clients to the healthier lifestyle they want to obtain. We understand that everyone has different goals and challenges, but here at The Trenches, it is our duty to fight through the process with you to reach your personal goals. Please join us and be a part of our team!

The Trenches is meant to be a fun and exciting experience. We will do what it takes to get you accustomed to eating right with the help of a diet plan, working out on your own through sessions with a trainer and workout plans to do on your own, and more. Set up a consultation today to discuss what we have to offer you!